Monday, 20 August 2012

Miley Cyrus

Vanity, the name is Miley Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus can't seem to stop sharing the photos of her spunky new haircut on Twitter these days, but when it comes to other people's cameras, the songstress is suddenly shy.

On Monday, just one day after debuting her drastic new cut on the social networking site, Cyrus tried to duck away from photographers by pulling her green flannel shirt over her platinum blond head.

"My dad @billyraycyrus used to tell me 'opinions are like a-- holes every body has one'," she wrote on Sunday shortly after debuting her new hairstyle. "LOVE my hair, feel so happy, pretty and free."


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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Rupert Sanders

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Spice Girls 2012

Spice |Girls 2012

Spice |Girls 2012

Spice |Girls 2012

Spice |Girls 2012

Spice |Girls 2012
Spice |Girls 2012
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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Afghanistan Independence Day 2012

Afghan Independence Day is celebrated in Afghanistan on 19 August to commemorate the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919.[1] The treaty granted complete independence from Britain; although Afghanistan was never officially a part of the British Empire. The British fought three wars with Afghanistan.
The First Anglo-Afghan War of 1839–1842 led to the massacre of the entire British invading force by Afghan forces in the city Jalalabad.[2] But the new British forces reinvaded shortly, defeated the Afghan forces, rescued their prisoners of war (POWs) and successfully withdrew.
The Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1878–80 led to the British victory over the Afghan army in Kandahar, bringing the Afghan rebellion to an end. The war left the British in control of the territories ceded by Yaqub Khan and ensuring British control of Afghanistan's foreign policy in exchange for protection and a subsidy.
The Third Anglo-Afghan War of 1919 led the British to achieve the reaffirmation of Durand Line and abandon their imperialist ambition over Afghanistan and Afghanistan declared its independence. The event is recognized throughout Afghanistan and also celebrates Afghan culture and national pride. It is celebrated every year.
The Afghan Independence Day is celebrated by the Afghan diaspora around the world.

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Tags: Afghanistan independence Day 2012 pics, afghan independence day, afghan flag, loy afghanistan. loy afghan, great afghanistan

Beril Kayar

Beril Kayar 1987 yılının 10 kasımında dünyaya İstanbul’da gelmiştir Beril Kayar Oyunculuk serüveninden önce Modellik mesleğini sürdürüyordu Modellik mesleğindede oldukça büyük başarılara imzasını atmıştır Oyunculuk mesleğine başladıktan sonra yakın zamanda karşımıza Acayip Hikayeler isimli Dizide Rakkase karakterini canlandırmışdıBeril Kayar Model olan Beril Kayar bir süredir oyunculuk eğitimi alıyordu Beril Kayar ekranlara ‘Acayip Hikayeler’de canlandırdığı Rakkase rolü ile merhaba demişti ve büyük beğeni toplamıştı. 

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Tags: Beril Kayar, beril, kayar, 2012, hot, latest, new, model, hot model, beautiful girl, beautiful model, beautiful, hot girl, beauty

NBC London Olympics- 2k12

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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

BMW M3 GTS 2011

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